So I already missed a couple of posts out of 365. I have a good excuse. Yesterday was a travel day. Didn't get into O'hare until 1:00 am. My parents are so kind, they agreed to pick me up at the airport. With the excitement of getting out of foggy SF, making sure I had all my files, paperwork and gear packed and of course, I had to clean the apartment before I left. I hate coming home to a messy place.
Today was the perfect rainy, thunderstorm kind of day in Chicago for my consultation at the dentist. Diagnosis: 1 veneer, 1 crown, maybe a root canal, replace 2 silver fillings, x-rays and a cleaning. But the good news is, I will have my amazing smile even whiter and brighter than before to make all of you laugh and smile come time for your photoshoot with me.

Wish I could send this rain to California. I can't bare to watch the news about all those fires.