We love our actors. Thomas Kent Iwatsubo rose through the ranks in the San Francisco Bay Area. His journey began while swimming where he met a fellow actor who suggested he look into acting and the rest is history. With courses at SFCasting and Nancy Hayes to jumpstart his career, Thomas has been a SAG actor for over 20 years.
I often get asked if I do makeup for men. Only if necessary, you want to look as much as yourself as possible. I also don't like make men's faces looking too smooth. (you all know that look with the filter in Photoshop!) A little skin texture showing through is perfect with a touch of sharpen.
Below are the images Thomas chose for his Actor Headshot Package. We used a touch of Mac Cosmetics Foundation only to tone down the redness in his cheeks and the clone stamp at 10% in PhotoShop to remove any shine.
Actor Headshots

Image above is before any makeup or retouching.