I recently saw a post by my friend and colleague and one of the most inspiring photographers I know. SalandAlissa.com really inspired me to think about my blog. I am not as bad as most. I usually post at least once a month. And leave daily posting to separate blogs when I travel and of course Instagram but it's just not the same. Well, that's become a rarity so why not start my own 365 daily blog posting fest and maybe I'll start traveling again!
What a better day to start than today. To coincide with my vision board creations and my trip to Chicago. Guess I do travel, but not Italy, yet. That's definitely on the vision board.
I've been thinking alot about vision boards lately and decided to give it a shot. It made me realize I am not even ready for a vision board since I still haven't implemented the most basic of things my mentor Sue Bryce has been harping on us. So without further adieu, I am ordering frames for my studio and adding these lovelies as a new product for my portrait clients.

Frames in my mentor's studio. Part of my vision board!