We are on a roll or is it role as coach. Last week we photographed MY business coach, Pradnya Leitner. I am amazed at the power of visualization she has cultivated. The program she is teaching is called "Thinking Into Results" with Bob Proctor as her coach and boy does she have us thinking!

To shift a paradigm like mine has been monumental (only joking) but seriously, changing habits and getting out of one's own way takes time. Being open and ready to receive also takes time. I am so happy and grateful I am able to do both. And something we must all be vigilant about each and every day. Study is paramount. Focus is Key. Visualization. Well it just is.
A little light reading.

It was interesting working with Pradnya on her branding because even she needed a little coaching on how to visualize her brand and herself in still photos. Something she admits she had no awareness of or ever thought that she needed to consider. And realizing that I, myself, am a coach, coaching clients on how they see themselves and where they are, seeing themselves as already becoming, already there.
During our consultation to plan Pradnya's shoot we talked about clothing, styling, hair and makeup. What 5 looks could we create for her to use across all social media platforms as well as on her new website. Also, how could we visually show what it is Pradnya is teaching us, after all, it's all stored up there in our subconscious mind. We decided it would be best to focus on shooting in the studio, using books that she has read as props and the TIR package we are all studying (now available online). Location shooting we decided to leave for another day.
I think you will agree, the results from our day together are magical. Something I can't take credit for. Pradnya is just glowing with energy I couldn't have willed with the best of lighting.
Pradnya can be reached for coaching at pradnya@pradnyaleitner.com.